
Process Of Photosynthesis

1. Photosynthesis is a process in which green plants use energy from the sun to transform water, carbon dioxide, and minerals into oxygen and organic compounds. It is one example of how people and plants are dependent on each other in sustaining life.

2.The chlorophyll in the cells of the plant absorbs light from the sun.

3.Palisade cells and spongy cells(plant cells) are plant's main food-producers.

4.Green plants use energy from the sun to transform water, carbon dioxide and minerals into oxygen and organic componds.

5.Plants use their leaves to make food.

6.The energy from sunlight to turn water and carbon dioxide into energy-rich sugar called glucose.

Importance Of Photosynthesis

1.The oxygen released (with water vapor, in transpiration)as a photosynthetic by product, principally of phytoplankton, provides most of the atmospohere oxygen.

2.The carbon dioxide will be taken by the plants.

3.The plants will make oxygen for us to breathe.

4.Photosynthesis provides us with most of the oxygen we need in order to breathe.We, in turn, exhale the carbon dioxide needed by plants.

5.Plants are also crucial to human life because we rely on them as a source of food for ourselves and for the animals that we eat.

6.Animals and plants both synthesize fats and proteins from carbon yalrutes, thus glucose is a base energy source for all living organisms.

The effect to us if photosythesis is absent

1.We won't have food to eat.

2.Humans will die of not enough oxygen.

3.We won't have energy to survive.

4.There will be no oxygen for us.

5.There will more carbon dioxide and we will die.

6.The plants would not be able to make food and the animals who only eat plants may die.


Done by: Timothy, Vanessa, Li Si and Jovi